
Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Fraction picture

I made a beach
My picture uses 1 circles

1 full circle
14 half circles
6 quarter circles
13 eighth circles

Wednesday, 14 November 2018


 Make a tile that fits the following maths ideas.pan>

  • Alternate the small squares around the outside of the tile.
  • Place the triangles and rectangle in the centre of the tile.
  • What is the perimeter of a small square?       

    What is the area of the yellow rectangle?  middle

    How many small squares do you need for the tile?12

    How many triangles are the same size as one rectangle?2

    How many small squares fit in side of the rectangle?2

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Movie reveiw

Do you hate long Hollywood Blockbuster movies well then this is the movie for you .

Hi my name is Kiarh this movie was by 13 At PT England school and was made for the 2014

Maniaka lani film festival

kster and The Chase was still on. the ballerinas and knocked them down The ballerina's got so angry they began to change the Prankster as well. The Prankster knock down more people and they got angry as well so they chased The Prankster all around the school. The Prankster trip and they finally caught him they were so angry at last he finally got What he deserved

My favourite part Was when it's finished. I didn't really like it I gave it a 5 out of 5