
Thursday 25 June 2020

Thursday: Writing Task

Pacific Islanders in

WALT use descriptive language to add detail

A group of soldiers from New Zealand and Australia went to fight in the war.
They were known as the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps).
Some Pacific Islanders went to war too.

Task 1: Watch the videos about the Pacific Islanders who went to war.

Task 2:

Choose a Pacific Island:
Cook Islands

Research your chosen Island and write some vocabulary about it:

Task 3: Pretend you are someone from your chosen Pacific Island who
has volunteered to serve in World War 1. Write a letter to someone back
  • What do you miss from home? [Research your Island for this]
  • What is your job?
  • Where are you and how did you get there?
  • What do you smell, hear, see, touch, taste?
  • When will you be home?

Start writing here:

Dear everyone that as been in the war and to the people that as pass we
all know that the world war started in 1914 and had ended in 1918 so for four
year the world war had been on the poppy  represent all the soldiers and all
the army groups that have passed away till this day on we Will represent any
course that's has to do with the other as you all know what Anzac stands for
Australia New Zealand Army Corps so as I do put your hands in the air and
repeated the people that have passed away to serve your country 

From EMA 


Word Problems Thursday

Adding and Subtracting Money

ANZAC Research Presentation